The Free Will Foundation, Inc. depends on the generous financial support of the local and business communities.
As the issues with homelessness continue within the region so does the need to raise additional funds to support the on-going initiatives necessary to create change in the lives of homeless men, women, and children in need.
When the local and business communities donate money to the Free Will Foundation, Inc. the region is showing a commitment to support a long-term solution to help end homelessness.
Employment and some financial assistance are critical in helping homeless men, women, and children achieve their dreams and live happy, productive and successful lives once again.
We are grateful for the financial donations that we receive on a daily basis. Every dollar counts and contributes to our commitment to help homeless men, women and children get their lives back on track.
We continue to ask for additional help and financial support. Please assist us in changing lives and in building a better and safer community for all.
If you are interested in donating men’s and women’s clothing, household items, jewelry, antiques, furniture, collectibles, electronics, sporting goods, musical instruments etc., please contact us or visit our donation centers located at each of our local thrift shops.
As a nonprofit, we can provide donation receipts for your tax purposes.
To donate online with your Debit or Credit Card via PayPal, please click the DONATE button below. Thank you for your generous donation.
To mail a check, money order or gift cards, please send to our mailing address:
The Free Will Foundation, Inc.