The Free Will Foundation Inc. is driven by a passion to honor our mission!
“Working together to create solutions to help end homelessness. Building community-based programs that provide assistance to homeless men, women, and children.”
The Free Will Foundation Inc. fundraises to provide financial assistance and employment opportunities for homeless men, women, and children.
Support from the local and business communities allow us to continue to create additional jobs and maintain an income stream for our homeless brothers and sisters in need.
Employment and a steady paycheck help to offer our homeless guests the opportunity to obtain shelter, food, clothing and other items necessary for survival. Needs that many of us take for granted on a daily basis.
Jobs help those in need to regain self-confidence, self-esteem, the strength and will to live again and to become participating and productive members of society. We need more job opportunities!
Donations allow us to hire and aid additional homeless men, women and children and to eventually expand into other lines of employment. Donations also offer us the chance to increase the support services available for homeless men, women, and children and assist in covering the ongoing costs of our operations. We need your continued financial assistance and support!
Volunteers donate their valuable time and effort to work in our local thrift shops and help us raise awareness in the community. Volunteers assist us in delivering upon our mission statement to help end homelessness. Volunteers help make a difference in people’s lives by helping homeless men, women and children create the changes necessary to improve their quality of life and the community as a whole. We sincerely appreciate and are very grateful for the services provided by our volunteer community. We need your time and attention!
The Free Will Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public benefit corporation.